Organisational Survey, Analysis and Report

The purpose of each Reddin survey is to provide an unbiased third party assessment of an organisation’s internal climate for the purpose of identifying strategies to improve organisational effectiveness.

Reddin’s three organisational survey instruments are quantifiable diagnostic tools used to measure the strengths and weaknesses within your organisation.

They have the potential to provide management with a range of information regarding:

  • the employees view of the target organisation

  • the people in it and their effectiveness

1. Climate Surveys

are designed for managers and their direct subordinates and measure the degree to which the organisation is seen as:

  • Placing a high value on productivity and having effective leadership

  • Having an appropriate organisation structure, encouraging open communication and using any disagreements productively.

  • Utilising its human resources effectively and encouraging participation and creativity.

2. Output Surveys

are also designed for managers and their direct subordinates and measure the orientation of an organisation, particularly in terms of:

  • Effective linkages between superiors, subordinates and co-workers

  • Authority levels and available resources

  • Corporate, climate and management information systems.

3. Employee Effectiveness Surveys

are designed for employees below supervisory level and measure employee opinions on a range of issues directly affecting their motivation levels and therefore, their productivity.

Examples include working conditions, supervision, psychological satisfaction, working relationships, company image and financial rewards.

Survey Procedure

Each survey comprises a two-page questionnaire containing a total of 80 questions.

Each participant is required to either Agree or Disagree; with each question. The responses are then computer analysed and results arranged into:

  • a comparison to pre-determined standards (client generated)

  • a comparison to the Reddin International Index (Historic)

  • a comparison to a current Reddin Southern African Index

  • departmental breakdowns

  • what the organisation scores poorest at overall (its weaknesses)

  • what the organisation scores best at overall (its strengths)

  • scales of effectiveness and non-effectiveness

A confidential computer generated analysis is then prepared based on the above results, together with a written report that summarises salient features of the results, highlights areas requiring attention and recommends solutions where appropriate.